J. O. Young Co., Inc. has been serving the good-folks of Springfield and Western MA for over a century. The company is known today for integrity and providing quality craftsmanship for the construction, remodeling and home improvement needs of homeowners in the region, but few know the history of this long established local company.

The company was established around the turn of the last century (early 1900's) in Springfield, MA, by Judson Obediah Young. The former Springfield branch of Young Brothers, Inc., which originally began in Worcester, MA, was a concern engaged in the manufacturing of various kinds of ladders, jacks and carpenter supplies. Judson incorporated with the Springfield operation of Young Brothers Inc. which gave birth to J. O. Young Co., Inc. A modern factory was then erected in Springfield, MA in 1909.

Judson Obediah Young was the eleventh child of Obediah Parker and Anna (Cashman) Young. He was born in Lake Paul, Nova Scotia on August 28, 1884. He received a good, practical education in the public school of Lake Paul, before moving to Massachusetts and becoming a naturalized American citizen a few years later.
The company has changed and diversified over the years from its original roots in ladder manufacturing, roofing and siding. In 1970, the company moved to a 12,000 sq. ft. facility in Agawam, MA and remains there today. They now are constructing additions, sunrooms, porches and providing quality craftsmanship for the construction, remodeling and home-improvement needs of homeowners in the region.